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February 22, 2009



Wow, wow, wow Laura!!! This is brillant and amazing! I want to do something like that for sure! Nice to get some ideas while my kids are still young! That idea is great for sport pics too!
I'm gonna lift this someday!!!
and I love seeing your girlies so little. They are SO cute!!!

Kim j

Great job, they look wonderful. I think I need to start doing this. I did a preschool scrapbook and thats it. I think this way is much better..

Candi Tardio

WOW...you have been one busy girl! great jobs on those school albums!!!


I came back to check my computer, and there was your email- I didn't even open the attachment, I just came to your blog! Way cool! Are you using regular page protectors for the class picture, or are they a scrap brand like AC? Did you tell me that WRMK has the 8 1/2 x 11 page protectors, or were they photo pages? i can't remember!!! I now see the kit makes the whole thing so much easier! I have to decorate my own pockets and type out all of the favorites, etc! I bet you inspire lots of people to get going on this!

Heather Crawford

Whoa, you are smokin' girl! You've been on a mission and I wish I could get on one! Love your system..I kept teetering on the edge and almost ordered those kits but didn't...but I am going to get some of the pockets from Joann's and just add the year somehow with letter stickers or something...this must have been a lot of work to type up too..thanks for sharing!


That came together so quickly! They look amazing Laura - thanks for the peek, now I am going to recreate something similar for my two kids. My son has only just started Year 2 and my daughter is at Kindegarten - so easy to put a plan into gear now for the years to come :)

Eileen Van Dyke

Thank you so much for showing us your albums in such great detail. You have done a great job in such a short time. I have an itch to start working on my kids albums after seeing yours. I went to Michaels today and bought the cloth AC albums but I only bought 2 for each kid. I guess I will have to go back to get more. They had great colors! Thanks for letting me know where to get them!

Heidi Y

Thanks so much for sharing this! I don't have Becky's kits, so it's great to see some ideas for school albums. Now I can build my own, too. And the AC albums look really nice lined up together. Great job!! Now I've gotta collect my daughters' schoolwork. Luckily they are still in pre-k & Kinder!!


You've accomplished so much! I love your albums! Do you think you could put in a good word with Becky to ask CK to produce more of the school albums? lol! I'm sorry now that I didn't follow up with the three I had on order after my credit card was compromised. I especially like how you included the girls' STAR testing results student ID cards, report cards, and special recognitions. I've only glanced at your picts, but can't wait to actually read your detailed post. Thanks, Laura!

Selena Kimsey

Laura, you so inspired me to do this for my son Vincent. And wouldn't you know it...today at a scrapbooking yard sale a gal was selling this very kit. I had to buy it. $25 ain't bad eh? Everything was in it and it was brand new. I took love the AC albums and was going to use these as well. :)

So I too will be doing this myself. Thank you for inspiring me! YOU ROCK!

Nancy Mackey

Okay, I seriously think that this is my next project- great idea (I am a bit of a, um, clutterbug) now I know what to do with all that stuff I can't throw away!!


Those are so colorful and look so good!!! What a lot of work - but it must be so fulfilling and I bet the girls are pleased :) Good job!


Wow! You did a fantastic job! That's a lot of work and so organized. I like those AC albums too.


This system of pocket pages is so great to keep their drawings ! This album is a great idea ! congrats


I saved some of the boys stuff but not like this. The past couple of months I've been trying to figure out what to do with the stuff I do have and these are excellant!

Oh...our school pictures have the same backgrounds too and the name tag for Sarah in the Kindergarten pack...my youngest son has that style too, LOL


Looks awesome and so organized, Laura! I stopped getting school pics 2 years ago, so I know what you mean. I don't miss the photos with the messy hair and cheesy smiles. (I have 2 boys in school).


These look FABULOUS! I am going off to order tons of the generations pocket pages right now and doing this myself! With 2 boys in college and 1 almost in college, I have a LOT of catching up to do! Thanks for the INSPIRATION Laura, as always!


I got this kit and love it! I agree with you on the school photos...they are expensive and not always so great. I take my own photo and make it into an 8x10, but then order a small 4x5 through school and mount it with some of the expansion photo corners and write "official school photo."


These came out great! You have inspired me to use my KOTM I have also had for a year LOL!!

thanks for the insight, makes me want to get started right away!

Michelle W.

Those memorabilia pockets *are* bulky, aren't they? I had planned on putting my kids' school pages right in with their regular scrapbooks (like Becky Higgins said she was going to do). But after seeing how much room those pockets take up, I'm thinking I might have to have separate "school" scrapbooks for the kids like you did.

I also like how you did all the background pages for each year so you're ready to go. I think I'll have to get mine done like that, too!

Kathy W

Wow, these albums look great! I'm sure your girls will love and appreciate having all of their work when they get older. Great job!!

Lisa Howard

I'm soooo impressed! I just love that feeling when you are so engrossed in what you are doing that you don't even realize how much time has passed. That usually means you are enjoying yourself. Hope you had fun reliving those school years! Happy Monday!

Sara Rossi

Ah Laura! You make me want to work on mine! These look so cool full of their school papers! Now I realize how badly I have to "downsize" my pile of papers!! These really look GREAT! Thanks for the nudge!


laura, it looks awesome! how great u must feel to have that done! my 2, are in 3 & 7! so i better get busy. i'm gonna go check out those keepers from joanns this week. thnx for sharing and giving us some light & inspiration.

lynda in calif

Sandi N.


Wow...I really missed out when I did not order KOTH school kit!!!. Your albums are looking great and so well put together. I love the fact you passed along all the details of how to adapt them to make on your own with out the kit.

I am so proud of you for getting so much done in one weekend! Good luck on your next two projects. I look forward to seeing them.

Sandi N.

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