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August 03, 2009


shemaine smith

Good times! Love summer!! We're looking at a new apartment with a small backyard and I was just thinkin I could buy a plastic pool for my Lily to sit in when it's warmer her. The nice thing about living near the ocean is every morning I get up and open the sliding glass door and the breeze blows thru the house all day. Ahhhh summer....


ohh a paradise on earth for kids:) My daughter would love to play with water, and it seems that yours love it too:)
I'm not sure that the daycares are allowed to have "pools" here in our country.. but I would love to have had a daycare mom that did have:)
Have a sunny bright day Laura:)


Looks like so much fun. I'm not a summer person (not where we live anyway, used to love it when we lived by the ocean)but these shots make me feel like getting outside and enjoying some summer sunshine, not too many months to wait :-)


LOL I hear the exact same line about how uncool our yard is and that we should have a nice big inground pool and that the slip and slide is for babies....blah blah blah...lol. But then just like yours they do it and have a blast every single time. Looks like a fun afternoon. That little man and his closed eye grins cracks me up.

Sara Rossi

I think everyone without a pool will hear their kids complain about how lame the yard is!! LOL!! I hear it all the time too. Slip n slide's are fun & easy to entertain them. I think everyone ends up happy...'specially the water co.!! LOL!! Great pics Laura--the kids look like they're having a blast!!

Sandi N.


We love to do the same water play in the back yard too. We have a neighborhood pool just three doors down. However, I do not feel I can keep up with the girls in this area.

Way to go love some of the water shots. I bet you will do something cool with these when you scrap them.

Sandi N.


now that's what summer is all about. water, friends, and fun! i remember to this when i was a kid. love how the photos look so clear and bright.

Carla Jean

LOL!! The way Sarah loves the water is a riot and yes, she is brown!
The little ones are just too adorable playing too...and that pool is great, you can't find those anymore. My neighbor has one and she won't sell it to me even though she has a big one now.


I keep forgetting to change my name, man!


Seriously, the best $40 I ever spent at Target was our kiddie pool - 3 years and going strong, and my 9yo has friends "over for a pool party", lol. And *ahem* some of those friends have real in-ground pools, but luckily the kids are happy to splash no matter how deep!
I have to tell you: I just read your twitter about the multitude of questions from your 2.5 yr old charge....my DD9 was like that - still is!!!! I remember a friend coming over and saying, "the thing is...she expects an answer for everything she asks! You can't just do the mindless 'ummmhummm'".

Sasha Farina

do you have a towel for me - how cute is that??!! lol..

Heather Ruwe

It's so hot here and the water day looks like so much fun! Great Pics!


oh so fun!!! since school's started i feel like we're done w water fun for the year and headed toward fall activities . . .


what fun in the water!! love sweet haley asking for a towel!!

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