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September 10, 2009



i was waiting for a post from you!! and here i am first to comment:)my daughter would really love to play soccer, but we only have hockey and netball at our schools.
outfit not too bad, but yes a nice bright pink and blue would have been nice, shame.
we are in spring here and you would not believe how hot it is already, think we missed the springpart and went right to summer!!
enjoy your day!


Are you sure your lens doesn't have an autofocus/manual focus switch? Sometimes mine gets slid over by mistake. I think mine says AF/MF, and of course, you want AF.

Heather Crawford

I'm thinking of getting that lens for sports? 70-300mm...

I don't think those pink uniforms are THAT bad..lol!


Well, I for one, agree... those uniforms are really weird! Couldn't they at least be pink and white or something??? :) And don't feel bad at all about not blogging much. There's more to life than that! :) Of course, we all missed you, but it's not ALL about us! Hehe!

Sasha Farina

the girls are so good with the game! and sorry.. but yes, the jersey is ugly pink :D


Yep, that pink and blue is pretty darn awful. And I'm in the same boat with my zoom lens. It stopped focusing in the spring during lacrosse season. I finally took it to get an estimate on repairing it. $200, ugh. So I'm trying to decide whether to get it repaired, or put the money towards a new lens.


Great action photos Laura! Your girls are so all-around wonderful! Good grades, into soccer, youth group/church, the whole package! Kudos to you & Joe for being good parents and directing their paths into positive things!


Glad you found a few minutes to post! I agree on the "pink uniforms" rather stereotypical.. lol do they have a male coach? Enjoy time with your girls that's whats really important, your readers (including myself) will still be here!


Hey, you got some great pics and I love that action shot of Sarah!!
The pink wouldn't be so bad if it had black or something other than blue.

Sara Rossi

You got some great shots of the girls!! Who comes up with the uniforms?? Obviously they don't scrap! LOL!! Good luck figuring out the lens!


Do love the black uniform! Good action shots none the less. Our first games are tomorrow :)


Ah, soccer! Our first games are this Saturday--3 and I get to do them by myself! DD had that pink but it wasn't that ugly it had white and black flames, what's with that HIDEOUS blue?--someone that is either color blind or doesn't care because they aren't wearing it! Can't wait to get some fun action shots myself--no fancy lens, just a point and shoot that has 18x optical zoom!


oooh. bummer abt the lens. hope it does magically fix itself. i wouldn't mind the pink uniform so much, but with only a boy to sb i take pink whenever i can get it, lol.

Carmel Keane

I don't mind the pink uniforms at all :-) I mean they are the Pink Panthers aren't they??

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