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August 02, 2010



What fun layouts! And I'd love to win a copy of the mag.


What stores have you seen this at around here??? So cool that you did the cover!

Kate Anne

Great job on the cover!! Hope I get picked to win this!!

ruth tacoma

I'd LOVE to win! :) Congrats on the cover layout!


I love that cover!! I would love to win a copy of this book! Thanks for the chance!


LAURA! How COOL is that, YOUR layout on the cover! I think I would do the same thing! Congrats to you!! I would love a chance to win--thanks!

Julie Mitchell

What an honour. A simple joy to have made it on the cover, good for you. Congrats!

Kim M

The cover is amazing, congrats!!

Vera Wirianta Yates

Laura, that is an awesome cover!! :) Congrats.

Janette Childs

Beautiful layout for the cover. Amazing work as always!


wooo hooo! congratulations, a cover layout! and I have to say, the series of pictures on the layout you showed is so great!

of course, I'd love to win a copy-- especially because the cover is so eye-catching! ;-)


Grate job on the cover !!!

Congrats !!!


Lindsay A. in Oklahoma

That cover is FANTASTIC!! Thanks for the chance to win. I would LOVE to flip through this mag over, and over, and over again!! :)

Patti M

Congrats on the cover! How awesome is THAT?! Would love to win this book...love 'em. Thanks!


that is a fabulous cover! well done. Very funny about the girls and your store comments! hilarious! well deserved ...


Hi Laura! Yes that is a beautiful cover! Great job! I'd love to win a copy.

Heather Jordan

Congrats on the cover, Laura! This book looks amazing. Thanks for the chance!

Marcia Scantlin

Yes, it is a great cover. I really enjoy looking at all your cards/layouts. You are a source of great inspiration.


Congrats - it really is an awesome cover!

Julie B.

Great Cover!! You are one busy lady. Thanks for the chance to win a free copy.

Julie B.

Kim Watson

Hey you! Congrats on designing the cover...I didn't even realize until now...very dense of me I know. Great job!

Monica G

Love that cover and what a great photo too! Thanks for offering a copy of the magazine, would love to have it!

Brittney A

Awesome cover!


I love the cover! Congrats! I would love to win this mag!

heidi y

Congrats! Great job!!

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