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September 25, 2010



Funny! I just wore my MM jewelry I made at CHA yesterday! Made one for my daughter too--SO excited that it is in Michaels, now have to wait til it comes to one a little closer to me! :)


Thanks for the info laura, funny I was just at Michaels, would have been so happy if they had some there. Maybe they will come this way soon. Keep us posted. How cool that you got to set it up though.


This is a really nice collection. I hope to be able to actually 'see it' soon. I was thinking of you today..too funny. Head over to 2peas to read about it...
Thanks for all the inspiration, your blog, and your continued dedication to this hobby. Your #1 fan..


That is so cool that you got to set that up! I will definitely check it out the next time I go there! I wonder why the Stockton store isn't getting it, since it is one of those larger M's?


I'll have to check it out next time I am in Modesto. Our M's is sorry... it still has all the same yuck from years ago :(


Bummer not in Folsom . . . maybe someday :)

Sara Rossi

Still nothing closer to me but I've been getting it online. I actually made a few more pieces...need to take a few pics! Can't wait to see what else you make! I've got a few leftover pieces I want to put to use.

Kirsten J

yay!!! thanks, Laura - I saw it at a Target far from where I live, and when I finally got back there to buy some....it was gone :(

Now I have a Michael's near me :)

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