i fully admit, i am behind on my photo-a-day project. but i'm not that worried. maybe it's because i don't really think of my project life album as exactly one photo every day. as long as i end up with seven photos a week, i'm good. and sometimes, i take 14 photos in one week, to make up for days i missed the week before. it all works out in the end. yesterday, i took all the following photos. gives a good look at what is keeping us busy these days.
scrapbooking. and with scrapbooking, comes writing up assignments, typing instructions, blogging, submitting, invoicing, supply lists, and so much more. things are actually quite slow right now, coming off all the CHA craziness. but there is a new layout on my desk for next week ;)
i can't avoid it. tax preperation. i started sorting out receipts, so that i can go through and itemize them all. we actually have 3 small businesses set up between joe and i, so it's a lot of paperwork on my end. never joe. just me.
texting. that's what keeps sarah busy. alyssa's not really into the texting that much. but sarah could text all day. she got her cell phone taken away for too much texting, which ended up costing us one too many times. so now she uses her ipod touch to text for free.
alyssa's schedule for high school soccer, for february. they've been conditioning since january, and this week they're having the actual tryouts. they should be finding out who made the team either today or tomorrow.
joe's coaching gear for sarah's all-star team. the one soccer bag in the house, that doesn't reak of soccer stink. lol!
my stack of magazines and idea books is getting pretty big. this is when i know i need to weed through them. this is almost all scrapbook magazines and idea books. but there are a few rachael ray magazines, and gossip mags in there too. i'm pretty sure the gossip is old gossip by now, but i'll read it.
homework. the girls LOVE homework. NOT. lol! alyssa actually doesn't have that much homework, for being a freshman. or maybe it's that she just gets all her homework done in classes, after finishing her classwork. sarah's fallen a little behind on classwork for some reason. but she's worked her tush off this week, to get back on track.
sarah's schedule for january. which is still up on her white board. she even wrote down band and music, even though that's something she does at school. and ignore the "soccer game" on sundays. she didn't realize games were only on satudays.
the top shelf of alyssa's bookshelf. she has TONS of books, and she reads them all. some of them, she reads a few times through. she's a huge reader, and is keeping a running list of what she's read all year.
this is alyssa's music stand in her room. she was always balancing her music on her bed or the couch. so for 8th grade graduation, we got her a really nice music stand, and she loves it.
alyssa's schedule for dinner theater at church. the youth group puts on this huge performance each year. you go and have sit down dinner, they serve you, and put on a show for you while you eat. they've been working hard on it, and have tons of rehearsals. it's really hard to work some of them in with everything else she has going on. but she really enjoys doing it.
eleven photos, taken in one day, all at the same time. but in the grand scheme of the album, no one will ever know. the general idea of capturing our day to day life is totally there :)
Uh, when pray tell do you sleep?
Posted by: Ally | February 09, 2011 at 11:22 AM
wow, you all are extremely busy! :))
Posted by: Warholette | February 09, 2011 at 11:30 AM
Wow - guess you are keeping pretty busy. I have to start working on my tax papers too ... I want to submit so I can get some money back sooner than later.
Posted by: Laura T. | February 09, 2011 at 11:48 AM
Thank you thank you for this post today laura. This was what I wanted to see from you this week after all your awesome layouts from CHA....so many things going on in the Vegas house. That's awesome to take pictures of all your girls things and schedules you can put this all in that awesome school album you have for them. I'm about ready to take my girls cell phones away from them, they think texting is 24/7 and no way is it. So new rules can't have phones till after 10am and turn back into ME THE MOM at 7pm every night, it's crazy hoping these rules will help. My 2nd daughter turned 14 today and she is a huge reader sometimes 30 books a week, sadly this is what I ground her from before she had the cell, she can't live without reading. Thanks for sharing all the fun laura it's just wanted I needed.
Posted by: dawn | February 09, 2011 at 12:03 PM
Wow. I thought my life was getting busy as my three kids got older (oldest is six) with gymnastics and dance and swimming and T-ball coming up ... but wow! I don't know how you do it! I never even finished P365 for 2009 :)
Posted by: Jessica | February 09, 2011 at 01:57 PM
cute way to capture your familiy's "busy-ness"!
Posted by: Carla | February 09, 2011 at 02:59 PM
I really like how you "keep it real" & incorporate the "blah" stuff like Taxes in there with the good stuff.
Posted by: Sara Rossi | February 09, 2011 at 06:18 PM
Great ideas for POTD! I need to play catch up too. I need to steal a couple of these. Homework and schedules.
Posted by: Cindee | February 09, 2011 at 07:10 PM
OMG I don't know how you do it and make such wonderful creations. I said the same thing to Nichol Magouirk and Jennifer McGuire. The only thing that I can think of that makes you gals different is that you are all stay at home moms and you all have wonderful family's.
I'm happy for all of your and am very grateful that all of you can share your creations on the web ;-)
Posted by: Angela R | February 09, 2011 at 07:37 PM
I loved all your photos! My oldest is an avid reader, but I cannot keep up her pace! By the time she buys one, she is ready for a new one! LOL
Well, my Kit has arrived, and I hope to get it started this weekend!
have a great weekend!!!(:
Posted by: Suzanne Sergi | February 10, 2011 at 08:21 AM
I'm with Ally! When do you sleep, my friend? (Also snickering that Joe doesn't do the paperwork ever.) Miss you!
Posted by: Linda Barber | February 10, 2011 at 02:09 PM
I tried to take a pic a day for January, and I couldn't do it! It was great during Dec. when I was home, and planned fun stuff for us to do- but I realized how boring we are when we just go to school and come home! That is our life right now...you make it look really interesting!
I was going to ask you if you saw that Smashbook at CHA, but then I saw your post and saw you had! I don't think it would be anything I would be interested in, but I think my 11 year old would love it!
Posted by: marissa | February 11, 2011 at 06:01 AM
Wow, that sounds like some insanity! Kudo's to you for being so organized and keeping everything together! You're like super mom!
Posted by: Stephanie | February 11, 2011 at 11:50 AM
That's a great overlay on your photos. What is it called? I'd like to get it.
Happy Weekend!
Posted by: Cindee | February 12, 2011 at 10:35 AM
great photos laura. your shots always tell such a great story.
Posted by: Heather Ruwe | February 12, 2011 at 04:20 PM
I totally agree about Project Life. Mine finally arrived & I am only now choosing my photos & getting January done in one foul swoop as they say! Fine by me cos I take regular photo anyhow & any gaps I can fill in by taking a stack of photos of everyday life on one day, like what you did here. Wow your kids are just as busy as you from the looks of things. I meant to ask you in your latest post, what is the font there that you have used for the journaling? Also wanted to ask about Alyssa's reading list. My youngest daughter Camryn is nearly 11 & loves to read but is at the stage where kids books are a bit babyish now & teen books are a bit ahead of her. Do you have any recommendations? No rush to reply, sorry to bug you :)
Posted by: Helen Tilbury | February 18, 2011 at 04:04 PM
These are great everyday pictures Laura! Great snapshot into your lives - can't wait to see them on layouts! And that is a cool overlay on the photos!
Posted by: Julie DeGuia | February 22, 2011 at 09:39 AM
Great idea...shows a real slice of life! :-) I am always taking pics of my books, too. Needed to catch up on your blog! You've been busy! Loved your CHA report. Are you taking the photography workshop listed at the top of your blog? I think that's Karen Russell? I am finally getting a new camera (Nikon needed to be replaced, but you know, life and bills get in the way). Ordered a Rebel last night. Want ot start shooting again! :-)
Posted by: Amy | February 27, 2011 at 09:09 PM