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March 11, 2011



You deserve a break laura, you work hard and spoil us on your blog. take all the time you need and we will be here waiting for you. i can't wait to see and hear all the new good things that are happening to you, have fun


Ditto on what Dawn said.....

You are Fabulous and we love seeing all your wonderful projects. We anticipate your return! Sneak in some Laura time!


CUTE picture, but then your girsl are adorable anyway...I know I say this all the time, but you ROCK. I love EVERYTHING you share and you inspire me so much. I love your Blog (which you know) and just yesterday I was printing my saved Laura Vegas designs to have handy while scrapping...ha! I think I have copied every layout/cration you have blogged about.

Have a FUN and SAFE trip. And I will eagerly be awaiting your return!

Thanks again Laura. I know sharing takes alot of work, but I enjoy it so.

Your #1 fan..hee, hee...
smiles from PA!


We miss you, but we understand. First and foremost, take care of YOU then you can take care of everything else!!!
and I have to say I'm tying Janet for your #1 fan! :) and I'm from PA too!

Suzanne Sergi

Enjoy your time off, you deserve it!!! I am looking forward to your projects!
Such a sweet photo!!!
Have fun!

Eileen Van Dyke

We'll miss you - hurry back!!

Your friend Carla

you deserve a blog-cation! Want me to watch the ol blog while you're away, lol????


adorable photo! enjoy your time off from blogland, and I am sure the projects will be fantabulous as usual. can not wait to see you newest creations!


Laura, you're a definitively good blogger...you keep in touch even when you have a break...great photos as usual, and great news about your work and passion.
Thanks for share your feelings.

Andrea B.

I too am a fan of your site, and honestly I don't know how most bloggers do it- posting daily or even every other day. Sometimes you feel it and sometimes you don't. Don't sweat it, and if you only post weekly then that's where your at.
I personally would love a seasoned scrapper to do a favorite lists. Favorite tools, techniques, photo printer... I am always looking for products to add to my collection. Oh and about that photo printer- I still haven't found one I really want. I am also searching for a basic sewing machine. I don't sew, so I really don't need an over the top machine. Just something for scrapping and maybe an easy project or two.
Good luck with all of your projects and safe flying!

Sara Rossi

Seriously you take all the time you need. You know we'll all be here when you're ready. Have fun on your trip & if you ever need call me! ;)

danni p

girl, don't stress yourself out. i know you `work well under pressure ,like me.;0)


Just popping in to say hope all is well and that you are having a blast taking time to be creative and productive.
Have a great Sunday!
Smiles from PA!

Krista Lund

totally understandable! give yourself a break and enjoy it!

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