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September 21, 2011


Ashley N Newell

Awwwww! This is a VERY familiar sight at our house. :( Sadly, Parker is allergic and has asthma too. And Brady loves dogs and keeps asking for them. It's ROUGH!


I think you did a great job of putting together that themed, non-themed thing there. Super cute layout.


Great layout! 2 of my kids and my hubby have asthma which is why we have fish for pets much to the disgust of all 3 of my kids who swear they wouldn't be allergic to a dog if it lived here - not happening!! I too am addicted to doodlebug letters and probably have bought what you haven't! lol Enjoy your day off.


I love this laura, the title is perfect!! you are a busy lady, didn't know you had another baby in the house again??? pictures??? enjoy your day off, hope you get some rest.

Becky Williams

That is such a great way to use that collection. My 3 year old also suffers from allergies and asthma- we are very well acquainted with nebulizers and such.


such a cute layout, although I feel sad you can't have a dog, I can't imagine not having my doggie around, hope you can enjoy a day off and get some rest, you are a busy girl!

Megan Hoeppner

Love this layout. Sad story, but very nice page! Thanks for inspiring me. :)


poor girl :( But this is really cute yet tells her story.i like how you crossed out the "not"!

Sarah Klemish

So cute Laura! My boys want a dog soooo bad and I am just NOT a dog person! I keep telling them - when you get you own house you can get as many dogs as you want! LOL

Sara Rossi

Just love how you thought outside the box for this paper! You, my friend, are a clever, clever lady!

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