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May 22, 2012


Heather Crawford

Ugggh, this has been on mind too...I do CZ's digital album like the one she had in her book...Chaz's is somewhat caught up, but needs to be really caught up..Bailey's I haven't even started on (poor second child)...and I need to sort the stuff...ugggh, the stuff..I just shove Chaz's stuff in one of his bottom drawers..lol..can't wait to see what you do...I sort of wish I would have just waited on the new BH PL version..maybe I'll do that for Bailey? will have to see what it looks like...and maybe just keep up the digital for Chaz..he's a boy, so he won't care..lol

Katrina Hunt

Can I have your desk? My table is 4 x4 foot and I don't have enough room! LOL You are so organized!!! Good thing the pups don't have those kinds of things, I would never get it done! hugs, Katrina


All of Laura's & Brit's papers, report cards, art projects etc. are all in a rubbermaid tote. One for each. School photos are in my scraproom. You have a great system!! One of these days, I will tackle those totes!! :)

Eileen Van Dyke

I love when you do these posts because it totally inspires me to work on my kids albums! Please keep it up because my daughter will be a Senior next year and I have ALL 12 years to catch up on in one yer, so I can show them at her grad party!!


I love that you do these for your girls, they look amazing!! Would you believe the teachers started having clean out folder and locker days thru the year now. So of course I hardly have any papers for my kids, some teachers still hold all the tests till the last day of school also. For now I just keep the concert programs and print off their report cards for me to have. The new thing is also to be more green so no more extra newsletters and such come home, everything is on the computer so If i do want something I will have to print it out.

Enjoy your last few days of 2 less kids in the house and CONGRATS on surviving another school year. Any plans for the girls this summer? JOBS? DRIVING SCHOOL???


You are doing a great job with the girls' school albums. Since I homeschool and due to State Law I have to stay up-to-date with all school work and such so at the end of the school year, I have my binder done and completed. Just no pictures. I too am using Becky's school kit. I have all the layouts done (changed it up a bit to adapt to homeschool)- it is just having to go back and print pictures. That is the hold up for me. But it sure is fun to see all the changes and growth. LOVE your school posts- makes me put mine on the front burner too!

Smiles from PA!

Tiffany M

Thank you for sharing your process and the video. I remember when Becky's kits came out. I only had one child at the time and I was afraid that I wouldn't buy enough of them so I had one for each child so I didn't buy any. Figured something better would come out by the time I needed it. So glad that she is working on a new one as my oldest starts Kindergarten next year!
You made me feel better about what I have saved from my son's preschool and that not ALL of it making needs to make it in!
Love the 6x12 page protector solution. Going to use that!
Thanks again for sharing!


Thank you so much for this post!---
My son just finished 7th grade and I've only got his school album finished through 3rd grade---:(
That's my goal for this summer---get it up-to-date!


I love your organizing process and one day...some day I will get mine going ;)

Ruth G

Wow! I feel like such a newbie seeing your posts from 2009! Thanks for including those links, though, so I could see the whole story!
It's such a wonderful thing to do, preserving those memories for your girls. I don't have very much from my childhood at all, not even pictures (the result of my parents getting divorced and then us moving around quite a bit - lots of life was shed to make each move easier!) As a result, I've kept just about everything that came home from school. I also try and take lots of pictures of mundane things, like the school building and playgrounds because some day they won't remember what they looked like. I have spent lots of time photographing cute projects that are too big to put into books. I do have a central place where I keep all their school related stuff as I deem it "memory worthy", but there's still tons from their younger years (before I realized how much paper was accumulating) that I need to sort through. Once school is actually over, I'll probably try to tackle this a little more head-on, although I do have some other projects that I want to get done, like a printer's tray for my hubby's birthday and a gift album for a friend. Hopefully before they head to college I will have the scrapbooking part started:-)!

Sara Rossi

I like that you post this since it serves as a reminder to me that I need to work on mine! ;) Thanks for all the tips!

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