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October 23, 2013


Natalie (QSOgirl)

I loved reading the story behind this project! Those girls sound awesome, and they have such wonderful team unity. Congratulations to them for all their hard work-- and for winning the game, to boot! I felt like I was reading the storyline to a really great sports movie :-)
I hope they liked the great bags!!

John Vonhof

What a story. I would have given anything to have been there. Knowing the girls and the coaches, this is a great story of perseverance and dedication to the game. These are fantastic girls who love their coaches. And two great coaches who love the girls. I'm proud of all of them who played that day. I know they played from their hearts.


What an exciting game! And the treat boxes are awesome!


Great story and great kids ! Thanks for sharing.

Rachel V

Congrats to your team! You should all be proud! Loved reading about it. I think the girls will love the treats and will really appreciate the gesture. Sounds like they are a great bunch!


I loved the story behind the boxes! Those girls should be so proud of what they accomplished and I hope they always remember the strength & courage it took to keep playing - the fact that they won is amazing!! I love these boxes but hadn't thought to cut little shapes out of them, I'm definitely going to try that!


What a cute craft and awesome story - those girls do rock!! We've been down to iron man but nothing like that. So nice of you to acknowledge their effort :)

Marcie L

What a great story of teamwork and dedication! Brought tears to my eyes, lol...

Ruth G

Amazing story and wonderful reward for those hard-working girls! I love the touches of purple and how the splattered boxes remind me of a rock in texture! Thanks so much for sharing the story and the project!


Love the story behind this craft. You have given those girls a great lesson; extra effort, courage, strength pays off. And you acknowledging them for their effort was extra validation of that.

Diana Waite

these turned out FABULOUS!! ;)

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