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November 21, 2013


Jenny Evans

Love this card Laura!

Ruth G

I'm really dense. I'm looking at the pink paint and the chipboard flower and thinking "I don't see that on this card"...Then I went and looked back at the card and saw the great, highly textured blue paint around the sentiment and I said "a-ha! Now I get it!" I think it's a very cool technique! I'll have to check out your blog post about it!
Thanks for sharing this bright and cheerful card! My morning is grey and dreary (as was the day yesterday) so just knowing the sun's shining somewhere and having this sweet card to look at brighten my outlook!
P.S. I'm thoroughly convinced that the reason why people get more forgetful as they get older is because there's way too much information floating around in their heads! Just a theory from this 47 y.o. stuffed brain!
The End.

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