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August 24, 2014



Congrats on surviving moving your oldest to college! Having moved my oldest to college 4 years ago, then my middle to college 2 years ago and now my oldest (who went to college just an hour from here) to med school 2 weeks ago HALFWAY across the country I understand how gut-wrenching it is to move them out! Hang in there, eventually you'll get used to your "new normal" (how I call my life now) and you'll find things you enjoy but oh how hard it is. The worst is the first time you walk into their bedroom after they leave....

Mendi Yoshikawa

Such a darling card! Loving the little epoxy dots for the stars. :)

Ruth G

Lovely card! Life can get crazy! I think anyone who's living one can relate, LOL! Take care and share when you're ready. We'll be here!

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