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January 19, 2016


Sheila E

I'm forever grateful for the special lady that took care of my girls when they were small & I needed to work. I knew they were safe & well taken care of & this was a comfort when I had to concentrate on my duties as a social worker. Like MLK, jr. said: "No work is insignificant, all labor that uplifts humanity has dignity & importance & should be undertaken with painstaking excellence." You are doing just that, Thank you.

John Vonhof

The life of a day care mom is long and tiring. We are proud of you for being good at it and how you have scrapbooked their lives over the years. Love this page. There's more to it then meets the eye.


6 toddlers - you are amazing!! Loving this page! An awesome way to document your everyday.

Ruth Gauss

Thanks for sharing your amazing job and your fabulous layout! I'm in awe that you get any scrapping done at all with how much work it is to care for all these little ones!

Thanks always for the inspiration and the openness you share! I appreciate it so much!

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