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October 05, 2020



I still read your blog! I am always excited when I get an email saying you have a new post! I know blogging is not really a big thing much anymore but I still enjoy keeping up with mine and the few that are still around for me to follow. I love seeing your PL pages and I can't wait to see your pages documenting the virus. I am off to find you on Instagram...not sure if I already follow you yet or not! Thank you for continuing to share your work!

kim robinson

Don't stop the blog!!! I look forward to it and enjoy reading it :)
I started following you because of your school albums and have loved everything you have done since. I especially look forward to your project life pages.
Thanks for sharing.


I’m still here reading your blog! I’m usually like a month late with all blogs, but I show up to read them eventually! 😁


I’m still reading your blog ... I check at least once a week, if not more, for new posts.

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