Hey everyone! I'm finally getting around to sharing my March pages in my 2020 Project Life album. I'm taking a monthly approach to my album this year, and I shared quite a few details about my plans in THIS post, where I shared my January pages.
I mentioned that I wasn't going to limit myself to a certain number of spread each month. I'll use however many pages I need, as I love to include the majority of our photos each month. For March, I ended up with 6 spreads, one of which includes a 6x12 insert.
I have a lot of the Stories By The Month digital kits from Ali Edwards, which is what I'm pulling my monthly title cards from. If the actual "____ memories" card doesn't match in any given month, I can easily use the "____ memories" digital stamp that's in the kit (same writing) to create my card.
I'm working at least one of the 3x3" configured pocket page protectors into my album each month (but will use a second if it works with my photos).
So many of our photos work well as squares, and I can simply trim the 3x4" photos down to the 3x3" size.
Since this whole Coronavirus pandemic really went into effect in March, I decided I wanted to include a full spread within my March memories dedicated to Coronavirus related things - some factual, some funny, and some personal stories.
Persnickity Prints has been creating these awesome Coronavirus timelines that you can download and print, so I printed out the March timeline, slipping it into an 8.5x11 page protector that was trimmed in width a bit to fit.
I don't know about all of you, but I've been screenshotting Covid related things like crazy during the last two months. I picked out a variety of them to use in the 3x3 pockets, making this an easy page to fill up.
I printed Kerri Bradford's Stay Safe printable to go on the backside of the timeline printable, which is on the left side of the insert seen above.
I do have some pandemic related stories spread throughout my March stories and journaling, but I wanted to type up a few journaling cards specifically to include in this dedicated spread.
Traci Reed Designs has put together a round-up list of all of the Covid-19 related freebies out there, with links to where you can find/download all of them - find it HERE.
Here's the third spread for the month of March.
I took a screenshot of all of the baseball games that Joe originally had on his schedule when the stay-at-home order went into place here, which quickly turned to red, as they were all cancelled.
Yes, that's a photo of the Costco I work at, where the toilet paper, paper towels, and water are usually located. I don't keep my phone on me when I'm working, or I probably would have snapped a photo. Luckily, I found this one that someone shared on Facebook and "borrowed" it for my album.
I'm adding a "currently" card each month for each of us. I ask Joe and the girls to give me their answers to the 5 categories - just whatever comes to mind first, or what stands out as a favorite during the month. That's Sarah's card above.
I created my own digital "currently" card, using digital stamps from Studio Calico and Kerri Bradford Studio. I have these cards saved as templates for each of us, with our names on top. So it's super easy to pull up the cards for each of us every month, and fill in the boxes.
This fourth spread for the month of March, seen above, has a 6x12" insert on the right side.
Here's the fifth spread of the month, with the 6x12" insert on the left side.
This is the sixth, and last spread, for the month of March.
As of two days ago, all of the Monopoly game pieces are officially gone. Whoohoo! I actually took an updated photo earlier this week, as there were about 15 piles of game pieces. Lol.
If you have any questions on anything specific within these pages, feel free to message me. I'm patiently (or maybe not so patiently, as I placed my order a full 2 weeks ago) working on my April photos to arrive and I'll get started on my April pages.